Korpora Certification Program

We are passionate about people potentials and how we can best maximize them. We believe that all people have the unlimited resources to continually grow and develop themselves. Everything we do nurtures that spirit and creates inspired results. We do this by navigating with strong foundation, high standards, competitive edge, and by giving hands-on experience with it. We deliver this through:

66-Hour Korpora Coaching Practitioner Certification Program

General Program Vision and Goal:

More and more people use coaching mindset and competencies in their professional work and practices.

Learning Goals:

After completing this program, participants should have a strong foundation of coaching mindset and competencies by:

  1. Adhering to the elements and principles of the ICF Code of Ethics;
  2. Being competent and integrating the ICF Core Competencies effectively in their professional work and practices; and
  3. Representing the highest quality in professional coaching in any areas they choose to specialize.

Coaching Philosophy:

Coaching relationship based on commitment, equality, truth, openness, and trust

Coaching Model and Approach:

TGROW Model using the ICF Code of Ethics and Core Competencies

List of Modules:

Module I: Coaching Fundamentals

  • ICF definition of coaching
  • Distinction between coaching and other service professions
  • ROI of coaching
  • Benefits of coaching
  • Objectives of coaching
  • Deliveries of coaching

Module II: Coaching Flow and Model

  • Change model in coaching
  • TGROW model
  • Coaching flow
  • Coaching goals in a session

Module III: ICF Competencies Framework

  • Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards
  • Establishing the coaching agreement
  • Establishing trust and intimacy with the client
  • Coaching presence
  • Active listening
  • Powerful questioning
  • Direct Communication
  • Creating awareness
  • Designing actions
  • Planning and goal setting
  • Managing progress and accountability

Module IV: Resource Development

  • Stages of change
  • The Science of motivation
  • The ROI of coaching
  • Marketing your coaching business

Program Hours:

66 program hours consisting of:

  • 60 student contact hours. Methods: direct instruction, real-time discussions, practice coaching sessions, and observed coaching sessions with feedback
  • 6 independent-study hours. Methods: outside reading validated with knowledge assessment

Certification Earned:

Korpora-Certified Coaching Practitioner (KCCP)

Language Used in Training Delivery and Materials:

Bahasa Indonesia and English (upon request)

Lead Instructor:

  • Business and Executive Coach
  • Registered ICF Mentor Coach 
  • ICF Global Member
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) of International Coach Federation
  • President Elect of ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter Period 2019 – 2020
  • Over 2200 coaching hours

Intended Participants:

Those who wish to use and integrate coaching competencies in their professional work and practices (leaders, HR and OD practitioners, medical practitioners, consultants, trainers, counselors, therapists, psychologists, assessors, teachers, etc.)

Requirements to Enter the Program:

Ability to complete the administration process and tuition fee

Upcoming Schedule:

To Be Announced

Program Investment:

    Policies on Payment of Tuition and Fees:

    Registration Process

    1. Contact Mrs. Anna via mobile or WA No. 081317907001 for registration by mentioning your full name and email address. 

    2.  Fill in the Registration Form.

    3.  Transfer the registration fee of minimum 50% (booking fee) of the total training investment and send proof of transfer to email annakorporaconsulting@gmail.com or via mobile number to 081317907001 as proof of booking attendance in the class. Total training investment shall be settled before the first day of training.

    4. We will send you the training confirmation at least a week before the first day of training.

    Payment Process

    1. Booking fee can not be refunded (see the Policies on Withdrawals and Refunds of the training).
    2. Payment must be paid before the program runs. If payment goes through Early bird then the payment is for Regular / Normal price.
    3. Certificates using foreign currency, if not processed within a year or more, will be subject to foreign exchange.
    4. Participants are not charged any interest in this training.
    5. Payment can be transferred to BCA Pasar Mede Jakarta, A / C. 0713022974 an Korpora Trainindo Consultant, PT.

    Policies on Withdrawals and Refunds:

    If you wish to withdraw your participation in our workshop, you must inform us via email or  081317907001 no later than five days before the first day of training. Then, we will confirm within 3 business days.
    1. We will refund 50% of the total investment, if the cancelation is seven days or more before the first day of training.

    2. We will refund 25% of the total investment, if the cancelation is six until five days before the first day of training.

    3. No refund can be made if the cancelation is four days before the first day of training until the training has completed. But, you can attend the training program on the next schedule.

    Further Information: 

    Anna (0813-1790-7001). Team Marketing (0813-1195-0180)